24th week of pregnancy

Week 24 marks the end of the 6th month of pregnancy. Congratulations on safely carrying your baby up till now. You will now finally enter the last trimester.

24th week of pregnancy

The baby’s development:
  • Your baby weighs approximately 3.3 kg and is over 12 ½ inches long during the 24th week.
  • The inner ear has finished developing by now. This also means that the baby can ascertain its position inside the amniotic sac now.
  • The movements continue which indicate that the baby is in good health. They are also vital for strengthening bones, initiating muscle growth and keeping the joints supple.
  • By this time, the baby’s face is completely formed to the last details.
  • The baby’s lungscontinue to grow and become more complex .As the development continues till now; premature babies often have trouble breathing.
The mother’s body:
  • The mother continues to gain weight. The weight gain is around 1/2 pound each week now.
  • The uterus can be felt about 2 inches above the belly button during the 24th week.
  • The skin of the breasts and tummy starts touching each other. The growing belly causes discomfort and itchiness to the mother. The doctor may recommend an ointment to help reduce the itching.
  • The eyes may also become dry and sensitive during this period.
  • Backaches become a regular feature by now. They cause a lot of trouble and disrupt the mother’s sleep pattern.
  • Along with the stretch marks, many women develop a dark line running down their abdomen through the belly button. It is about half an inch wide and is known as linea nigra. It is harmless and disappears after the delivery.
Complications & tips:
  • Get your gestational diabetes test. This is a temporary condition wherein the mother’s body stops producing enough insulin during pregnancy. During the 24th- 28th week, the placenta produces a lot of hormones that can stop the production of insulin. If the test shows elevated levels of sugar, proper medical guidance is considered a must.
  • The backaches pose a lot of difficulty to the mother. If they get too intense, one must consult the healthcare provider.
  • Stress can be harmful for the baby. Keep your lifestyle healthy and avoid taking tension for the good health of your baby.
  • Heartburn can trouble the mother. To come out of this problem, try taking a number of small meals instead of a few heavy meals. Also drink lot of clear fluids.
Attachment with the baby:

The mother does her best to take care of her baby now. She is tensed about the development of the baby and takes good care of her diet and nutrition. She enthusiastically prepares for the arrival of the new one and starts thinking names for the baby.
Some women might become paranoid about the baby’s safety. The partner’s support is crucial at this stage.

Tip for the father:

The partner must do his best to support the female. He must take care to ensure that she gets her checkups done regularly and is well fed at all times of the day. Never allow her to undertake tasks which may harm her body. Listening to your partner may prove a great stress buster to her at this stage, so lend a patient ear and give suggestions whenever required. Do not neglect your partner. You must be equally excited and involved in preparation for the baby.


Increased consumption of vegetables is a must at this stage, to ensure the body gets a balanced amount of all the nutrients required. Avoid taking junk food as it may cause significant weight gain. Do not skip meals. Drink sufficient amount of water to prevent minor pregnancy problems such as UTI, dehydration and constipation.
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