28th week of pregnancy

You have entered the third and last trimester of pregnancy. Congratulations to you for carrying a healthy baby in your womb for so long. Here we will discuss about the 28th week and the changes it brings along.

29th week of pregnancy

Development of baby:
  • The baby has grown to about 14 ½ inches to 15 inches by now, and weighs between 2 to 3 pounds.
  • The baby’s eyes have got color, although the color of eyes will change after birth. Also the baby is now capable of Rapid Eye Movement (REM).
  • Fat continue to get added on the baby’s body. As a result, the baby starts looking like a new born baby, becomes more chubby, rounded and shiny in appearance.
  • The neurons develop in brain. By this time, thereare millions of them in the baby’s brain.
  • If it is a baby girl then the development of the clitoris is completed by now.
Changes in the mother:
  • The mother has gained about 22 pounds by now, and therefore looks quite huge.
  • The uterus rises to about 9 cm above the navel by this week.
  • Women are constantly troubled by constipation, haemorrhoids and leg cramps during this time. Backaches are also common.
  • As a result of so many troubles, most women are not able to have proper sleep. Sleeping with pillows below them is advised for comfort.
  • Another peculiar symptom is restless leg syndrome. There is unpleasant sensation in the lower legs which urges the mother to move them while resting, like sleeping for instance. This symptom only exists for a few days and is common among expecting mothers.
Attachment with the baby:
  • The mother must now be doing full-fledged preparations for the baby. It is the time to start deciding upon the baby’s name and prepare his/her room, cot, crib and other essentials.
  • Also, not to forget that the beginning of third semester brings with it lots of parties and gifts. The baby and mother will be showered with presents and happy celebrations like a baby shower will be organized for her.
Complications & tips:
  • By now, the results of gestational diabetes test must have come in. if you are tested positive, you will have to take a glucose tolerance diet. Also, you will have to stick to the strict diet plan prescribed to you by your doctor.
  • You must get the Rh factor test conducted to determine whether the Rh factor of you and your baby is compatible. In case it is not, it may lead to complications in the future pregnancies. Just to be safe, you must get Rh immunoglobulin shot if the Rh factor is different.
  • If you suddenly notice changes such as excessive weight gain, sudden swelling of face and hands, nausea, vision changes or constant headache, you may be a victim of preeclampsia. The disorder is rare and must be treated immediately.
Tip for dad:

Make sure that your partner regularly visits the doctor. As the crucial time of pregnancy is here, the visits to the doctor become more frequent, around once in 2 weeks. They are important to diagnose any unusual conditions. Also, you and your partner could choose a paediatrician for your baby this week.


Include lot of fluids in your diet, to steer clear of haemorrhoids and constipation. Also include green leafy vegetables, milk and a variety of grains to ensure that all the nutrients are maintained at an optimum level. Caffeine is a strict no-no at this stage, as it could increase chances of preterm labor.
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