30th week of pregnancy

In this article, we are going to cover up some important facts regarding the 34th week of pregnancy.

30th week of pregnancy

Development of the baby:
  • At the 34th week, the baby weighs between 5 and 5 ½ pounds and is approximately 17 ½ inches long.
  • The baby is getting rounder and gaining fat. This provides it with energy and helps in regulating the body temperature when the baby is born.
  • The lungs are almost fully mature now.
  • The baby’s central nervous system has also completed development by now. Now there are good chances that the baby survives outside the womb.
Changes in the mother:
  • The weight gainis approximately 28 to 29 pounds.
  • The uterus has risen to 5 ½ inches above the belly button, pushing the diaphragm at various instances now.
  • As a result of the growing uterus, the belly button might start protruding out. One can use a band aid to cover it up in case it shows through the clothes.
  • The muscles in the pelvic area start loosening to prepare the mother for labor. As a result, women may experience numbness or tingling in that area.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid will increase in this period, till about 36 weeks. After this, it will decrease to make room for the growing baby. As a result of increase in volume of amniotic fluid, the baby’s movements may feel slightly different now.
  • One may be troubled by the backache, haemorrhoids and abdominal and leg cramps, but one must not take any medication without consulting a doctor.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions are very common now, and they are no need to worry unless they are painful and have an unusually longer duration.
Attachment with the baby:

Most of the mothers start talking to the baby now, if they had not started as yet. Knowing that the baby’s hearing skill is now fully developed, the mother can start chatting to her little one. She shares all her feelings with her little bundle of joy growing inside her. Many women are found to start chatting in baby talk not only to the baby but to others as well. The early joys of motherhood are a sheer pleasure.

Complications & tips:
  • If the tingling sensation in the pelvic region is very irritating or painful, one must consult a doctor immediately.
  • Also, if you have any signs of premature labor, such as breaking of water or frequent contractions, do not ignore them. Get to the hospital immediately. And, there are 99% chances of survival of the baby at this stage, so preterm labor should not be a cause of worry.
Tip for dad:

It is important that you complete shopping for the baby by now and get the bag ready in case you have to rush your partner to the doctor immediately. Help your partner in doing so. Also, this week you can give her a long massage. This will aid in loosening her joints and soothing her. Massages are a good pain reliever and with you doing this extra bit for her will definitely make her very happy.


It is important to know that you are eating for two. Maintaining a strict diet is extremely important during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Cut off all the caffeine, and alcohol and tobacco is a strict no-no. Maintain a healthy and nutritious diet having adequate amount of all nutrients. Also, if you have been prescribed a diet by your doctor in case of some problem such as gestational diabetes, strictly adhere to that for the well being of the baby.
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