32nd week of pregnancy

Hey! Desperately waiting to see your newborn baby? Only 8 weeks left to touch your bundle of joy. Long wait isn’t it? But believe me “Fruits of Patience are always sweet”. Want to know what is happening in your womb in 32nd week of Pregnancy

32nd week of pregnancy

Development of the baby:
  • The baby is about 16 inches long from head to the feet and weighs between 4 and 4 ½ pounds.
  • The little one grows exceptionally now, as this is the time for the final preparation to enter the world. The immune system is growing stronger and body fat is accumulating.
  • The baby’s skeleton has been completely formed, although the bones are very soft right now. A newborn has more bones than an adult.
  • Thelungs continue to mature until just before the birth.
  • The baby’s tiny toenails and fingernails finish being formed this week.
  • In a baby boy, the testicles must have descended finally, if they haven’t till now.
  • Hair growth is also an interesting development at this stage. Some babies may have developed slight wisps of hair while some may have lot of hair by now.
Changes in the mother:
  • The mother is now gaining about a pound each week. This is because the baby is gaining a lot of weight.
  • The uterus has risen to about 5 inches above the belly button by now. At such a high level, it may cause breathing problem to some women as it starts pushing against the diaphragm.
  • Due to the increased pressure the uterus exerts, some women may feel more heartburn than earlier.
  • Loss of sleep due to huge size is an evident outcome. It is not easy to sleep in a comfortable position now.
  • Other common problems during this last phase of pregnancy are backache, mild swelling of hands and feet, numbness of feet during the end of the day. The body retains fluids now and blood pools to the legs so it is not advisable to keep standing for long.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions are a common pregnancy symptom and will continue for the several weeks to follow.
  • If pre- milk has not started forming till now, the body may start producing it this week and one may experience some leaking. Breast pads are helpful to cover it up.
Attachment with the baby:

By now, the mother has finally started getting the feel of the delivery of the baby, in little ways. Right from attending the childbirth and breastfeeding classes, shopping for the baby and having contractions every once a while during the day, everything constantly reminds and prepares her about what is about to come. The mother now prepares not only for the delivery, but also starts planning about the future of her baby.

Complications & tips:
  • Braxton Hicks contractions may be an uncomfortable experience for women. While they prepare the mother for the actual labor, there are some tips that can ease out some of the discomfort. Changing positions at intervals and taking long warm baths will surely soothe the mother. If they don’t help, contact your doctor.
  • If there is any sudden change in the nature or quantity of vaginal discharge, consult your doctor immediately. Also, it is important to maintain hygiene in order to prevent catching infections.
Tip for dad:

It is now the time to begin planning for the future. As you must know, your partner will need your support not only now but also for several months after the baby is born. Hence it is important to have a serious discussion with your partner to decide about your respective workplaces, hours of working and the baby so that you can manage all situations in proper way once the new one joins your family.


In order to stay away from constipation, it is important that you keep your body hydrated. It also prevents haemorrhoids and eases out the discomfort of contractions. Have lot of water and clear fluids like ginger ale, herbal tea. Do not have tea, coffee and other forms of caffeine now. Maintain the quantity of iron, calcium, fibre, folic acid and vitamins in your diet. It is important that you have vitamin C because it aids in the absorption of iron in the body.
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