35th week of pregnancy

Week 35 of pregnancy can very well be said as one of the last weeks of pregnancy. It is a time of expectation and happiness as the baby is set to arrive in the coming few days. Here we are going to discuss the wonderful 35th week.

35th week of pregnancy

Development of the baby:
  • By the 35th week, the baby is developed enough to survive easily if he/she is born prematurely.
  • The baby is about 18 inches long and weighs between 5 to 6 pounds. By this time, you can easily realize how much the baby has grown over the past few weeks.
  • The baby continues to gain fat, which is going to help him/her regulate the body temperature.
  • The liver and immune system is fully developed. Liver can produce some waste products now.
  • The lungs are mature so that he/she can breathe without any complication.
  • The sucking reflexes have perfected by now, so that the baby can easily suckle the mother’s milk.
  • As the baby has grown much, there will be less space in the womb to move about. Nevertheless, the baby continues movements, but at intervals.
  • The baby’s finger nails and toe nails have developed completelyby this week.
Changes in the mother:
  • A healthy mother has gained around 30 pounds by the 35th week of pregnancy.
  • The uterus now rests approximately 6 inches above the belly button, pushing the rib cage.
  • There may be continued problems in breathing due to the uterus pushing against the diaphragm. However, this is not a major cause of concern as the baby will descend into the birth canal anytime if it has not by now.
  • Due to the process of lightening (baby descending deeper into the pelvis), the bathroom breaks will increase. This is because of the increased pressure on the urinary bladder now, causing frequent urination.
  • Lower back pains and contractions are the order of the day now. Many women confuse them with labour pains and rush to the hospital in such situations.
  • Mood swings are more frequent during this last month. This is due to an increased level of pregnancy hormones and anxiety about the baby. The mother might be very happy at one time and in tears the next moment.
Attachment with the baby:

This is the time when the expectant mother can start deciding what type of delivery she wants. The mothers eagerly wait for the arrival of the baby now. The gender if the baby is a constant element of surprise to them, as they keep guessing all day long and make plans for the early years of the child. This can also be the right time to know about the complications that can arise during labour to ensure that the baby is delivered safe and sound.

Complications & tips:
  • From now on, the doctor will advise the mother to visit every week as this is the last phase of pregnancy and one has to be careful at each step.
  • Count your baby’s movements if you have not started already. Ideally, at least 10 kicks must be felt per hour, although it may slightly vary from baby to baby. However, if there is a sudden change in the rate of baby’s movement, contact your health care provider immediately.
  • At this stage, premature birth is a cause of concern. Premature babies have to be kept under constant care for some days to ensure their survival. There are several threats to the baby who is born before time, including disabilities like cerebral palsy. Lifestyle of the mother affects the pregnancy. Abstain from alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and avoid taking stress to minimise such risks.
Tip for the father:

Help the mother in choosing the right paediatrician for your baby, as this task should be done by now. Also, try giving your partner full body massages from now on. This can be especially helpful in reducing the swelling and pain and will definitely make her glad.

  • During this last time of the pregnancy, the mother is allowed to eat extra keeping in mind the baby’s growth spurt. But try not to eat lot of cakes and fried foods that can end up making you bloated and constipated.
  • For vegans, it is extremely important that the content of iron and calcium is maintained in the diet. Include tofu, soya bean, peas, green leafy vegetables and numerous dairy products in your diet. Take supplements of the mentioned nutrients if the doctor has advised you to do so.
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