Baby Development Milestones in the first year

New born care is a critical project that must succeed in order to place the mothers and baby care experts in a gradual and progressive growth in their daily hopes and desires that make them happy every day. Mothers will often become much impressed as they are the ones close to the babies because they watch the babies grow and develop right in front of them day by day.

Babies often succumb to baby development milestones after the first month and thus this will go on for the whole year a situation that necessitates parents to have adequate knowledge on the later.

Baby Development Milestones in the first year

In the first month of the baby’s growth the development milestones include undergoing the following :
  • Lifting the head gently for ashort period of time then moving it from one side to the other. Also make arm movements and ensure that you bring the hands to the baby’s face.
  • Babies prefer human faces more than any other object or any shape and thus strong movements by parents are required to improve the reflex action for the baby as they can see and focus on objects and movements that are at most 12 inches away.
  • They will often turn to familiar human voices and also blink more to bright lights and so for more concentration by the baby parents must try be close to them.
  • During the second month the following events occur with the baby :
  • The baby begins to track objects using the eyes and also learn how to smile as seen by lip movement.
  • Sounds of different nature are made by the baby and they include sounds like “uuh”, “ohh” among others. Cries can be heard from the baby’s mouth in this month. The baby cries repeatedly to signify lose of sight of the mother and also to show the hunger for food.

For the third month the baby develops a lot as shown by the following :
  • The baby show kicks, straighten the legs and the arms, push down and up the legs and arms, and they can raise their head and chest even up to their tummies. All these are done by the baby while lying on a flat surface so that there is undisturbed movement at all.
  • On the flat surface they also try to catch objects and small hand toys that are light and can easily be shaken by the baby.
  • They also imitate various sounds they hear and try to track all the moving objects in front of them. Additionally they can recognize familiar sounds and develop a smile and can also bring both hands together.
  • The baby also develops hand and eye coordination and becomes much more interested in spiral movements of materials such as toys.

For the period of the fourth the baby exhibits more growth characteristics as follows :
  • The babies can now laugh repeatedly and almost producing the same sound in their throat. They can hold their heads at least ninety degrees high which on their stomach.
  • They can use both legs to bear their weight and for some rare cases they pay attention to various objects in that they can reach out for these objects easily. Some can do mini push up that may include rolling over.
  • When pulled to sit, babies can hold their head level and even sit without support. Often they will make a razing sound and always get upset when their toys are grabbed from them.

However in the fifth month the baby show almost same characteristics as the fourth month but only look refined and more sensitive as highlighted below :
  • At this month the baby is able to roll over using mini pushups; other events such as razing sounds are greatly improved.
  • The baby turns into enjoying new sounds and this call for improvement of the baby’s toys in order to meet this requirement.
  • The baby now recognizes her own name and is also able to hold objects and even pass it to the other hand easily.
  • Further various sitting positions can be seen as the baby attempt to sit momentarily without support. Events like holding objects closely and afar shows that the baby is up growing well.
  • Also at this month the baby ensure repetition of words is made and now recognizes strangers and visitors as she often try to separate from them.

In the sixth month however, the following can be seen in the child :
  • Babies can now sit well in a stable position with their heads high and here they require minimum support.
  • They can roll back and forth in all directions and imitate any sound that comes by. Also here they reach for toys and imitate facial gestures and expressions made the mothers and other persons they have get acquainted to.
  • They start crawling a lot and work a lot to reach for more toys for playing.

From seven to nine months of the baby’s growth, the following can be seen :
  • Most can sit well without support and imitate many sounds available as they also work more to acquire more toys.
  • They get upset with toys even more as someone attempts to snatch it from them.
  • For some, crawling becomes the order of the day and thus this gets them dirty.
  • They also learn to wave goodbye and clap hands as they associate with the other children.
  • Some even stand and can look for those objects that have dropped.
  • Here they use fingers to grab things and they also bang certain objects that come by them.

Between ten to twelve months the following can be seen in a baby’s life :
  • Here most babies start holding onto something as they stand however, others will walk without any support at all.
  • They can call their mothers the right name “mama”
  • Furthermore here they are able to keep their toys in cartons and also retrieve them as they want. They also understand the word no even there is a lot of disobedience in them.
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