Bonding with your baby

Importance of Bonding - Parents and New Born Baby
When mother touches her new born baby for the first time, her feeling cannot be described in word. She feels like all happiness of the world came to her with baby. Bonding of mother and child already began during pregnancy. Mother can feel movement of her baby after sixth or seven months during pregnancy. When baby kicked mother, she can feel that movement and share such feeling with her partner. Father and mother both enjoyed their baby’s movement. Baby can attach with her mother within a short period and then after she is just habituated to be close with her mother.

Bonding with your baby

Bonding of mother-child relationship is bonded faster than other relationship with other member in the family as mother is nearer to baby for more time. Baby can recognize touch of her mother very soon within a few days after her/him birth. Baby likes to talk and see you. When mother talks with her baby, baby responds her mother byshowing her/him liking or disliking with expressions of laughing or crying. Your baby can recognize your voice and touch very quickly. When your baby crying in other’s hand and when you carry your baby, you can find that she immediately stop crying. This means that your baby needs your presence and love. Bonding of mother and baby gets stronger within a short time because their bonding was already started before her birth while mother touch her womb with love and talk to her baby during pregnancy. Child who gets earlier bonding with their parents can grow more naturally.
Bonding is very essential for a new born baby. It helps baby to increase her willing power and positive attitude. Infant always need bonding with mother. Many women did not get instant feeling with their new born baby. It may strange by some people that mother is not bonded with her baby. Sometimes it takes time for mother to get bonding with her baby. Some incident can help mother to go closer to her baby.

Initial Bonding Period:
After birth of baby, nurse putting eye drops in baby’s eye. You can take this chance to get good bonding. When you put eye ointment in baby’s eye, when your baby gets her first clear vision, she can see you first and you can also become baby’s first vision.
You can ask your doctor or nurses to put your baby on your stomach and chest soon after birth after cutting cord if there are no medical complications.
Breastfeed your baby soon after birth. Some baby just licks the nipple while other need breastfed soon after birth. It is not always possible for all mother because for cesarean baby as mother needs to complete her operational treatment. In such case, mother can feed her baby when she gets permission to do so. It is good for health of mother and baby to give breastfed within an hour after birth. It is recommended to always keep your baby with you during your stay at hospital.
Touch your baby softly and give her tender care. Touch therapy is the best for bonding. Talk with your infant in soft spoken language to express your love. Find that what type of voice she/he likes by noticing baby’s reaction. Your baby reacts her/his liking or disliking.

Bonding is a natural affection and cannot build artificially. It takes some time for parents to bond with their baby. When they play with their baby, find her/his smile, cry or other movements attract parents and they fall in love with their baby. They get eager to spend maximum time with their baby. Baby also needs love of father. Infant’s bond with father is equally important as her mother. Bonding of father and baby can also establish quickly as your baby can recognize his voice before his/her birth. Father who spares good time with his baby can get good bonding within short-term.

As a parent, you should always build strong relationship with your baby. Infant always need bonding of mother, but as a father you should also keep yourself attach with your baby with your love and gentle care by sparing good time with new born baby.
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