Diapering the baby

Tips for Changing Baby’s Diaper

For new mother, after giving a birth to a baby, its time for her to learn many things for caring new born baby especially for the first baby. Many women can handle everything very easily for every necessity of her baby such as carrying, feeding, bathing, change diaper, etc. Some women cannot even carry her new born baby. In such case she needs many things to learn to take proper care of her infant. She definitely doesn’t know about changing diaper.

Many women get problems in changing diaper of baby as they are doing such activities for the first time. Therefore, they get trouble to change diaper of baby. It is advisable to not worry about changing baby’s nappy. It takes some time initially, and then after you gets acquainted with it and can easily do it quickly.

Diapering the baby

Thing to do - Before Changing Diaper
You needto keep everything handy for changing your baby’s nappy such as good stock of diaper or pieces of soft clothes with fasteners [in case you are not using diaper], water container, cotton balls or good quality wipes, ointment to protect your baby from rashes. It is very essential to keep everything ready because your baby cannot tolerate for a moment, when they wet bed or clothes. They cry loudly to inform you that mom please check, its time to change my diaper.
First clean your baby gently with wipes or cotton balls from front to back side. Remember for baby girl you should always clean from front to back to protect her from urinary infections. You need to carefully lift your baby’s leg from ankles to clean properly. Use clean soft clothes or good quality wipes to protect your baby from any infection. Never use hard clothes or napkin, it affects your baby’s skin and may cause rashes.
Apply ointment prescribe by your doctor to protect your baby from rashes before changing diaper.

How to Change Diaper of Infant
  • If you are using disposable diaper, Open strips on both sides. You need to put it under your baby by lifting her/his leg carefully and bring front side of diaper up to your baby’s stomach. Then, stick strips from both sides and fasten properly. Don’t make it tight that it causes rashes on baby’s skin.
  • Take care while diapering if your baby’s umbilical cord has not fallen off. In such case you need to fold down the waistline of the diaper to keep that area dry and prevent from infection.
  • Check size of your baby’s diaper. If your baby is healthy, bring large size diaper when you shop next time.
  • If you find that quality of diaper is not suitable to your baby, or found rashes, use good brand of diaper.
  • If you are using clothes, use soft clothes as nappy and wash it properly to prevent your baby from infection. Check that there is no detergent left on clothes diaper as detergent may harm baby’s skin. To use cloth diaper, use rectangle clothes, make it triangle and use it. Use long side in middle part and fasten same as you use diaper. Ready made clothes diapers are also available in the market.
  • Do not reuse disposable diaper. Through it in close dustbin. Remember, do not keep dustbin near your baby. Keep it away and always close it with top cover. Clean it regularly.
  • Wash your hand before and after changing diaper.
  • Changing diaper is not a complicated task. You just need to take care initially. One thing you always need to remember that change your baby’s diaper more frequently. Do not keep one diaper for more than three to four hours. Keep your baby’s room neat and clean to protect her from any infection.
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