Home Remedies for Dry Scalp

A handful of internal and external factors can cause a scalp to become dry. When too dry, the lack of moisture causes hair to look lifeless, thin and weak. By knowing common signs and making a few lifestyle changes, you can quickly get back on a healthy track. Try bypassing over-the-counter products and become familiar with home remedies for dry scalp.

Home Remedies for Dry Scalp

Home Remedies for Dry Scalp

Causes and Symptoms
Causes of dry scalp include using harsh shampoos, styling products with alcohol, overusing air conditioner, hard water, pollution, weather, allergies, and contact dermatitis. Decreased oil production in the sebaceous glands can cause a dry scalp. Your diet can also cause dryness with the kinds of foods you do and don’t eat.

Signs that you have dry scalp include:

• Itchy head
• Dry flakes
• Dead skin on the shoulders

In the worst cases, individuals may develop:

• Raised, red welts on the scalp
• Bald spots
• Hair loss

Dry Scalp Home Remedies
When dry scalp strikes, you will want to address the symptoms so you can eradicate discomfort and enjoy a head full of healthy hair. There’s no need to pour your hard-earned money into over-the-counter products when you have access to the following home remedies for dry scalp:

a) Plastic Wrap:
When using a home remedy treatment for your scalp, wrap your head with plastic wrap. This approach holds the ingredients close to your head, as well as generates heat that enhances overall results.

b) Olive Oil:
Mix in 10 finely crushed aspirin to ½ cup of olive oil. Apply and massage the mixture into your scalp for two to three minutes. When done, thoroughly rinse your head with cool water for at least one minute

c) Yogurt:
After shampooing the hair, rub yogurt into your scalp. For the best results, add one whisked egg to the yogurt. After the treatment, don’t forget to thoroughly rinse out your hair.

d) Scalp Massage:
A daily two-minute massage of the scalp can increase blood circulation, as well as stimulate the follicles to produce and release sebum.

e) Make Careful Product Choices:
Using soap and hair products that contain alcohol can create the itch associated with contact dermatitis – one of the most common causes for dry scalp. Avoid such products and opt for products with little to no irritating chemicals.

f) Oatmeal:
Add 12 tablespoons of oatmeal to 6 cups of boiling water. Simmer for one hour. Strain out the oatmeal and save the leftover water. Add rosemary oil to the oat water, and apply to your scalp. Massage the blend into your scalp for two to three minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water for about one minute to make sure all of the solution is out of your hair.

g) Apple Cider Vinegar:
After shampooing your hair, rinse your scalp with diluted apple cider. Warm about one cup of apple cider vinegar and pour on the scalp. Wrap your head with a towel and leave on for one hour. The vinegar adds moisture to your scalp, possesses antibacterial properties, and gives it shine.

h) Onion:
Steep a slice of onion in rum. Use the remaining liquid as a solution for massaging the scalp.

i) Castor Oil:
Massage the scalp with castor oil to fight dry scalp.

j) Aloe Vera:
The healing powers of aloe vera can be used to fight a dry scalp. Apply aloe vera juice to your scalp as a moisturizer. This home remedy is best used as a leave-in treatment. If using a commercial juice, do not use aloe vera juice that contains added sugar. If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, apply the liquid from the leaves on the scalp. Leave the aloe in for 30 minutes.

k) Vitamin E:
Increase the amount of foods in your diet that contains vitamin E, such as blueberries, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and almonds.

l) Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
To fight dry scalp, add foods that provide omega-3 fatty acids, such as strawberries, broccoli, flax seeds, dried oregano, and halibut.

m) Milk and Honey:
When your dry scalp produces itchiness, take advantage of soothing vitamin D found in milk and natural moisturizing properties of honey. Combine ½ cup of milk and ¼ cup of honey. To enhance your results, add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Massage the remedy into your scalp. Leave the treatment in for about two hours, and then wash off with a mild shampoo.

n) Thyme:
Add four tablespoons of dried thyme to two cups of water. Let the herb boil for about 10 minutes to create a hair rinse for dry scalp. Strain the thyme and cool. Dampen your hair and pour half of the mixture onto your head. Gently massage into your scalp and repeat the process with the remaining solution. Do not rinse this remedy.

o) Wear a Hat:
If you suffer from dry scalp, you should wear a hat for protection against direct sunlight and harsh winds. Wind chapping and sunburn can cause a dry itchy scalp.

p) Humidifier:
Low levels of moisture cause skin to become dry, which can also affect your scalp. In your bedroom, use a humidifier to put extra moisture in the air – especially during the winter months.

q) Green Tea:
Some studies have shown that green tea can help dry scalp conditions, such as dandruff. As a topical remedy, it calms inflammation and helps regulate a protein associated with the life cycle of skin cells.
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