Home Remedies for Scars

Home Remedies for Scars

Home Remedies for Scars
  • If you apply Aloe Vera on the scar then you can prevent the wounds getting converted into permanent scars.
  • You can also apply a paste of sandalwood over the scar along with some drops of rose water. In order to use it properly, you should apply this in the night and thereafter you should wash your face in the morning. This is considered as one of the most effective remedies for scars.
  • You can also opt for natural bleach in form of lemon juice. This helps in lightening the intensity as well as the visibility of the scars as well as blemishes.
  • You can use the seeds of fenugreek(methi) and thereafter you can boil them in water for some minutes. Apply this over your face and you will not only lessen the scars but at the same time you would also prevent them from occurring again.
  • You can also use some essential oil like lavender oil that can be applied on the face using a ball of cotton one or two times a day.
  • You can make use of honey. You can apply it directly on your face a number of times on your face on daily basis. A regular application of this would surely solve the issue of scars.
  • Cucumber juice is also considered as one of the key remedies of scars and if you apply it and let it suspended for over 15 minutes then you would surely notice the change in a few days itself.
  • You can take some sour cream and prepare a solution by adding yogurt as well as grind oatmeal and few drops of lemon juice. This is a highly effective mixture and you can apply it onto your face and then leave it for over ten minutes. You can rinse off using cold water and you would certainly observe some effective changes.
  • You can also use the massage treatment and for this purpose you can use coconut oil.
  • If you have some black gram then you can prepare its paste along with sandalwood. You can store this mixture till overnight and thereafter you can wash your face thoroughly.
  • You can mix a tablespoon of fuller’s earth(multani mati) and thereafter you can add some rosewater and a few drops of cooled lemon juice. You can apply this mixture on your face and massage the area of scars, gently. Leave the mixture for over 6 minutes so that it settles properly. Thereafter you can rinse off using cold water.
  • You can also apply some olive oil over the affected area.
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