Moles are a group of pigmented cells. They are small and brown in color and can occur in any part of the body. Majority of the people have moles on their body, usually they are either oval or round in shape. Moles don’t damage the skin and they don’t spread illness but they look ugly on the body and especially on the face and at times can cause cancer. Few people may have fewer moles while few may have many moles on their body. Moles may occur during the birth or develop during pregnancy.
- Hereditary factors
- Too much exposure to sunlight
- Spreading of pigmented cells
Home remedies to cure moles

- To lighten the moles apply fresh pineapple over the moles 2-3 times in a day. This is a natural and good home remedy.
- To cure moles apply grape juice over the moles twice or thrice a day and cover the affected area. This is an effective home remedy.
- To reducing itching apply castor oil over the moles. Apply at least twice a day. This is a quick and easy home remedy.
- A natural home remedy is to apply tea tree oil over the moles for about two weeks. Massage the oil gently on the moles.
- To avoid the moles make use of Vaseline intensive care everyday. This is a good home remedy.
- To make the moles lighter or to make them disappear, application of onion juice will be highly beneficial. Do this regularly to cure moles.
- Crush a tablet of Vitamin C and apply it over the mole. Now tie it with a piece of cloth or bandage. Leave this overnight for a couple of days. This will help in curing moles.
- An easy home remedy is to mash a garlic clove and put it on the affected area. Now tie a piece of cloth or bandage over it.
- Application of finely ground coriander paste on the moles will be highly beneficial. It will prevent the moles and is a good home remedy as well.
- Make a paste of one teaspoon of honey and flaxseed oil and some flaxseeds. Mix well to make a fine paste and evenly apply this paste on the mole. This is a great home remedy.
- To avoid more moles apply the milky liquid of a banyan tree trunk. This is a very useful home remedy.
- To make the moles vanish, grind 3-4 drumsticks and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice in it. Mix well and evenly apply this paste on the moles. Leave it to dry for about an hour and then wash it off with water. Do this frequently and your moles will fade away gradually.
- Crush a handful of cumin seeds (jeera) and make a thick paste of it. Evenly apply this on the moles and tie a piece of cloth or bandage over it. This is an effective home remedy to cure moles.
- Roast and grind few pomegranate peels and add lemon juice in equal proportion. Now make a fine paste. Application of this paste over the moles will help to get rid of moles.
- Soak the affected area of moles in warm water for about 20 mins. Then pat dry that area and with the help of cotton balls apply cider vinegar and let it dry for few mins. Once it dries up wash it again with water and pat dry that area. This is a simple home remedy to cure moles.
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