12th week of pregnancy

Week 12 of pregnancy marks the beginning of second trimester. It is said to be the start of a new phase of the pregnancy, as it is an important milestone for the baby as well as the mother. At this stage, baby develops at a rapid rate and the mother’s body shows visible changes.12th week of pregnancy

How big is your baby

12th week of pregnancy

  • At the 12th week, the baby is 55 mm in length (or 2.2 inches long). At this point, the baby weighs around 14 grams.
  • Baby’s growth and development
  • All the organs of the foetus are formed at this juncture, but the baby continues to grow until the delivery.
  • Hair, toes, nails and fingers start to form.
  • The sex organs will become clear, so that the gendercan be ascertained.
  • Baby’s heartbeat is going to get stronger.
  • The brain starts producing hormones.
  • Nerve cells start multiplying at a rapid rate.
  • Brain synapses start to form, which means that the baby can feel pain.
  • The baby starts sucking in the 12th week of pregnancy, which means that he/she starts in taking the fluids that the mother takes.
  • Peristalsis begins inside the intestines, which implies that the food starts getting processed too.
  • The kidney is able to produce urine at the end of the first trimester.
  • The umbilical cord is fully formed at this stage, but continues to grow during the entire period of pregnancy.


(a) Changes in the Mother
  • The mother gains 2 to 3 pounds during week 12 of pregnancy.
  • This is the point where the baby bump starts showing, and one can tell the world that she is pregnant. Miscarriage risk also reduces to a minimal after the 12th week.
  • The mother does not need to urinate frequently now, as the uterus is now lifting up in the pelvis and making room for urine in the bladder.
  • There are a number of skin changes due to hormones at this point. The nipples start getting darker due to production of melanin. This is also the reason for Chloasma (also known as mask of pregnancy), the brownish patches that appear on the cheeks, neck, chin and forehead. The mothers must protect themselves from harmful UV rays during this period, as it can prove to be even more harmful during pregnancy.
  • Due to increased oil secretion, acne problem may be encountered by some.
  • Heartburn (acid reflux) is a common problem in the 12th week. This is a burning sensation experienced in the chest due to hormonal changes. It may get worse during the succeeding weeks.
  • The blood volume in the mother’s body is going to increase sufficiently, which causes the skin to glow, making a pregnant woman look more attractive now.
  • The body begins to recover its lost energy and morning sickness and nausea almost disappears.

(b) Complications

Most of the complications in pregnancy are associated with the first trimester. The risk of miscarriage reduces after the 12th week of pregnancy. Bleeding is a common problem that mothers have, and care must be taken to notice any unusual changes.

(c) Emotional attachment with the baby

As the baby starts showing at this point, the mother gets more attached to her baby now than before. The mother can also feel the baby’s movement now. The signs of life inside her make her ecstatic. The mother recuperates her lost energy now but can have sudden emotional swings. She can suddenly become tearful and agitated now.

How Dads can help Mom

As the female body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy, her partner must always lend support to her and maintain a careful attitude. Things that she did easily, start becoming a challenge for her now, but this must not cause the father to become irritated or frustrated , as it will only affect the mother and in turn the baby. This is the time when the partner must appreciate what she has done, and also start preparing for the coming of the new one.


Mother’s diet during this period

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the entire focus must lie on not gaining too much weight. The diet must be balanced and comprise of a lot of fruits and vegetables. This is an ideal time to reduce the calorie consumption. The body requires an optimum quantity of vitamins, calories, protein, iron, calcium and minerals. Food consumed must be fresh and fasts should not be carried out.

The mother must not intake tobacco, alcohol or drugs as this can affect baby’s health badly. Thus, these were the lovely changes that a mother undergoes in her 12th week of pregnancy. Enjoy the different stages of you pregnancy and the joy of giving birth to a new life.
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