13th week of pregnancy

Week 13 marks the beginning of the second trimester. It is the time when mother has to take lot of care for her body for the well- being of the baby.

Development of the baby:
  • The baby weighs around 20 grams at this point and the length is about 3 inches.
  • The baby’s unique set of fingerprints have already formed by now.
  • The larynx and vocal cords have completed developing.
  • The baby’s eyelids remain shut as the eyes continue to form.
  • Bones and skull are hardening and ribs may start to develop now.
  • If you are going to have a baby girl, the eggs for her complete reproductive life are now present in her ovaries.
  • At this point, the skin is verythin. The baby’s veins and organs can be seen clearly through it.
Changes in the mother:
  • Most of the women start showing a tiny baby bump by now, so now people can see that she is expecting.
  • The mother gains around 2 pounds each week during this period, although it may vary from woman to woman.
  • The uterus continues to grow bigger to accommodate the growing baby.
  • By week 13, all of the early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, nausea and frequent urination subside. This causes a significant rise in the energy levels of the mother.
  • The pregnancy hormones oestrogen and progesterone stimulate the milk producing glands of the body. The size of the breasts also increases because of the hormones.
  • Heartburn and constipation is a common pregnancy symptom during pregnancy.
  • Some women may suffer from bacterial infection called leucorrhoea causing a whitish discharge. It is very common and mostly stops on its own.
Attachment with the baby:

13th week of pregnancy

The lucky mothers are able to see their baby sucking its thumb or making a fist in the ultrasound pictures. As the troubling signs like vomiting are now not present, the mother is finally able to connect with her baby. At this stage, the mother’s happiness and excitement doubles. Knowing about her growing baby elates her and she already starts making plans for her baby, even though the birth is months away.


By the end of the first trimester, the chances of miscarriage have reduced. However, one should consult the doctor immediately if there is severe pain or heavy bleeding all of a sudden.

Many women suffer from heartburn. To avoid this, they should take small meals frequently instead of taking two or more heavy meals. Also, water intake must be increased.
One must have an appointment with the doctor for the second regular check up now.

Tips for the father:

Your partner is growing, and it is visible to you and others now. It is important that you stay supportive during this period. Even though she might not be looking as gorgeous as she looked earlier, never ever make fun of her size. Acknowledge all that she is bearing for the baby and help her in doing the chores as she cannot handle alone now.
As the female is feeling energetic now, you can grab this opportunity to have a little fun, such as going out for a movie or dinner.


It is essential that the diet is nutritious and balanced. Constraint your urges of binging on junk food, as they will cause a significant weight gain without nourishing the body adequately.

Iron, calcium and protein are 3 nutrients that are a must in the mother’s diet for the good health of the baby. Try to include a number of grains, tofu, lean red meat, spinach, milk, dairy products, citrus fruits and nuts in your diet, as they are good supplements of mentioned nutrients.
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