21st week of pregnancy

Week 21 can be considered as the beginning of second half of pregnancy. This is often considered as the most wonderful part of pregnancy. Here we will discuss the changes that happen with the mother and baby during this week.

21st week of pregnancy

Baby’s development:
  • By the 21st week, the baby measures around 10.5 inches from head to heel. He or she weighs around 350 grams now.
  • The baby’s bone marrow starts producing red blood cells (RBCs) now.
  • The eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed.
  • The initial movements of the baby start becoming more intense now, as the baby has become more active.
  • The layers of skin continue to form, but the little one is extremely skinny at this stage.
Changes in mother’s body:
  • By week 21, a pregnant woman has gained around 6 kilograms.
  • As a result of the increasing weight, there may be backaches that trouble the mother throughout the day.
  • The uterus has risen about half an inch above the belly button by now.
  • Most of the early pregnancy symptoms, like frequent urination, dizziness, nausea and vomiting vanish by now. As a result, women feel more relaxed and cheerful.
  • A common problem during week 21 is that the feet and lower legs swell by the end of the day. This is because blood pools in those areas when the mother stands for a long period of time. To avoid this, adequate rest must be taken and the mother must take breaks while standing.
  • Some women have spider veins around their face, ankles and neck. There may be a pattern of veins in these areas which are quite prominent to the eye. They are completely harmless and vanish after delivery.
  • The blood supply to the breasts and sexual organs increases. As a result, vaginal discharge may also increase now.

Complications & tips:
  • As most of early pregnancy symptoms are gone, most women enjoy this phase of pregnancy. But there can be other problems that may crop up now.
  • If there is a significant change in the colour, odour, or amount of vaginal discharge, one must consult the doctor immediately.
  • There is an increased risk of developing UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) at this stage. To avoid this, drink lots of water and wear loose clothes. Bacterial infection is extremely common during pregnancy, but if it goes untreated it may lead to kidney infection.
Attachment with the baby:

By now, the mother has become accustomed to sensing the baby’s movements. She may now ascertain the baby’s wake and sleep cycle, as time passes. Most women try to sing for the baby or tell bedtime stories to soothe him/her. This can also help in developing a sleeping pattern for the baby once he/she is born.

Tips for dad:

The father can help the mother in making preparations for the baby. Together they can join childbirth classes to have complete knowledge about labor and delivery process. They can go for shopping for the baby together. Also, it would be a good idea to spend some cosy time together as it will prove soothing to the female.

  • Healthy diet is essential during this period.
  • Try to include leafy vegetables, milk and dairy products, eggs, fruits, fish and cereals in your diet. The mother must keep it in mind that she is eating for the baby as well. So, avoid having large fishes like swordfish, tiller fish as they may contain high amounts of mercury which is harmful for the mental development of the baby.
  • Have lot of water and fibre to avoid constipation and UTI, which are common problems at this stage.
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