22nd week of pregnancy

During the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby continues to develop at a fast pace. More than half of the pregnancy term is over and by this time, preparations for the arrival of the newborn have already started.

22nd week of pregnancy

The baby’s development:
  • The baby weighs about 2.2 kgs and is around 11 inches in length, from head to heel.
  • During the 22nd week, the surface of baby’s brain starts developing folds. This process continues till the 34th week, so that the baby’s brain has sufficient surface area to accommodate all the brain cells.
  • The reproductive system continues to develop. In a boy, the testes begin to descend while for a girl, her vagina develops now. The ovaries and uterus are already in place by now.
  • The baby’s sense of taste and touch develop rapidly this week. The taste buds start to form and the brain and nerve endings are mature so that the baby can sense touch.
  • The pancreas continues to develop.
  • The lips and eyelids become more distinct, but the iris inside the eyes still lacks pigment (colour).
Changes in the mother:
  • The uterus has now risen about an inch above the belly button.
  • Normally, the mother gains around half a pound each week at this stage.
  • Lower abdominal pain, cramps and dull backache are a regular feature by now. However if they are intense, one must consult a doctor as they may be signs of premature delivery.
  • With the steadily increasing weight, stretch marks start forming on the belly.  They are also accompanied with itching and irritation as a side-effect.
  • Many women start feeling energetic and describe this week as the comfortable period of pregnancy, which is most often due to the effect of hormones.
  • Increasing blood flow may be the reason for nosebleeds, dizziness and bleeding gums in some mothers.
  • Constipation (heartburn) is another common pregnancy symptom. Having adequate amount of fluids can reduce constipation. Ginger and pineapple also help in avoiding this problem.
Complication & tips:
  • As mentioned earlier, some symptoms can indicate preterm labor. To confirm this, a test can be conducted. Foetal fibronectin (fFN) is a protein that is present in amniotic sac till week 22 and after it, disappears till the 38th week. So the secretion of the mother can be examined to find if there is presence of fFN, which shows that there is an increased possibility of preterm labor. Babies born at this stage have chances of survival if given optimum care in a medical facility.
  • One must also consult the doctor if the baby’s movements have not begun by now, or if the baby has stopped moving.
Attachment with the baby:

Around the 21st - 22nd week, there is a marked increase in the level of energy in pregnant women. The mother can now talk to her baby and because of being more active, can prepare for the new one at this stage. Many women start decorating the baby’s room and shop for baby supplies now, which can be enjoyable. This period is marked with excitement and apprehension as the due date is fast approaching.

Tip for the father:

Fathers can start doing something interesting and creative, like painting the baby’s room or buying cradles and cribs. This can also be the time when you start preparing for taking childbirth classes along with your partner. Although the training is mainly for the mother, her partner can be extremely helpful in the process.


As the baby is developing rapidly, care must be taken to provide adequate nourishment. This directly implies that the mother’s appetite increases now. Have a balanced diet and consume iron-rich foods as they are beneficial for the development of the baby.
Avoid consuming foods containing raw eggs. Also undercooked meat, unpasteurized cheese and some varieties of fish including swordfish must not be consumed at all. Some fish contain high level of mercury that can harm the baby’s brain.
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