Home Remedies for Crying Baby

It’s an inevitable occurrence – babies cry. Since they cannot tell you how they are feeling in words, our little bundles of joy communicate their pain, fear, hunger and need for sleep by putting on the water works. As you become more knowledgeable in the way an infant expresses him or herself, you may want to consider the helpfulness of home remedies for a crying baby.

Home Remedies for Crying Baby

Home Remedies for Crying Baby

Why Does a Baby Cry?
Babies use crying as their way of letting you know that they are in need of some sort of attention. One of the first things that come to mind when you hear a baby cry is that they are hungry. Fussing, lip smacking, and putting their hands into their mouth are some of the signs that indicate a hungry baby. The next most popular reason behind a crying baby is a dirty diaper. A quick sniff test can confirm the need to change a baby’s diaper. Other common causes of a crying baby include:
  • Over Tired – Babies will fuss and cry when they are tired – especially overly tired.
  • Wants to be Held – The desire to be cuddled can cause a baby to cry, as they like to be held close, see their parents’ faces, hear their voices and listen to their heartbeats.
  • Stomach Irritations – Gas, colic and other stomach issues can lead to a crying baby. A baby with colic can cry for at least three hours a day until the condition corrects itself on its own within weeks and weeks. Babies that fuss and cry right after being fed might be experiencing pain in their tummy.
  • Needs a Burping – Babies need a little help removing the air they swallow during a feeding. If the air is not released, it can cause discomfort – leading babies to vocalize their displeasure.
  • Too Hot or Cold – The chill that comes when removing clothes, changing a diaper or using a cold wipe could be met with crying. They will also cry if they are too warm.
  • Sensitivity to Clothing – If your baby is extra sensitive, they may cry when they come in contact with harsh fabrics or itchy clothing tags.
  • Teething – When a new tooth pushes through the tender gums of a baby, the pain causes crying. The first tooth usually breaks through between the ages of 4 and 7 months. Some babies may get their teeth earlier. Signs of a teething baby include drooling, swollen gums, irritability, refusing food, problems sleeping, and facial rash due to the drooling.
  • Too Much Stimulation – While babies learn about the world through stimulation of their surroundings, there is a point when it becomes too much. An overload of lights, noise, and movement can lead to problems processing all of the information. A baby may cry when they have had enough.
  • Wants More Stimulation – Sometimes, a baby feels they are not getting enough stimulation and would like to see more of the world. Some babies will stop crying when they stay active.
  • Sickness – A crying baby might be sick or getting sick. When the basic needs have been met and they’ve been comforted, check for illness. A sick baby will emit a sound different than the cries of being hungry or frustrated.

Crying Baby Home Remedies
The sound of a crying baby is one that can break the heart of parents, who scramble to figure out what their child really needs. Sometimes, they are right and other times, they are clueless. To ease some of the common causes that affect infants, consider using home remedies for a crying baby for a solution. A handful of suggestions include:

a) Cold Washcloth:
When a baby is teething, give them something cold and flexible to chew on, such as a cold or slightly frozen washcloth.

b) Your Finger:
A clean finger can temporarily ease the pain of sore gums by gently yet firmly rubbing over affected areas.

c) Petroleum Jelly:
If excessive drool has caused a painful rash on your baby’s face, ease their discomfort by rubbing petroleum jelly on the chin before they take a nap or go to bed. This will protect their skin from the irritation that can prevent a restful sleep.

d) Pure Vanilla Extract:
Rubbing a small amount of pure vanilla extract on a baby’s gums can soothe a crying child. The vanilla eases pain, creates a warm sensation that comforts, and can actually calm some babies with its added properties. Vanilla has a reputation for soothing health concerns, as well as reducing anxiety. For some babies, the extract can also soothe stomach issues.

e) Cloves:
Treat a teething baby or toothache with a bit of cloves, which offers oil that has warming, numbing properties. You can hold a whole clove against a sore tooth to ease pain or rub clove oil on sore gums. Use only a tiny amount to avoid upsetting your infant’s stomach.

f) Check Baby’s Temperature:
A feverish baby will cry, so checking their temperature can rule out the possibility of a fever and sickness.

g) Respond to the Yawn:
An exhausted baby usually turns into a cranky baby. As soon as you see the first sign of being tired (a yawn), quickly put them down for a nap. Many babies cry a lot less and have fewer issues with gas if you follow this method.

h) Minimize Sensory Distractions:
Babies don’t want to miss out on anything so if there is a lot going on in their surroundings, they will most likely cry because they do not want to ‘miss something.’

i) Soft Blanket:
Wrapping your baby in a soft blanket and holding in a nursing position can help calm down a crying baby.

j) Upright Feedings:
To avoid stomach problems during a feeding, get in the habit of keeping your baby in a more upright position. This will help formula or breast milk travel more smoothly into the stomach region. A baby that is hunched over or curled up during a feeding is more likely to experience trapped air.

k) Frequent Burping:
Burp your baby often to get rid of the bubble that develop in the stomach during a feeding – like every few minutes when giving them a bottle or when you change sides during nursing.

l) Weak Herbal Teas:
Some parents treat a baby with colic by giving a highly diluted herbal tea. Popular selections include peppermint, dill, anise, fennel or chamomile. Some mothers that breastfeed report that they have consumed the herbal tea on their own, and their babies have benefitted during nursing.

m) Check for Hairs:
Babies are very sensitive, so when hairs get wrapped around a part of the body – they will cry in protest. Sometimes, the hair can even cut off the circulation if it is too tight. Fingers, toes and the genital region for boys are common places that hairs can get caught and cause a problem.

n) Check Elastic Bands:
The elastic waist on some pants can cause a baby to cry. Try pulling the waistband away from the stomach to see if they gain any comfort. It only takes a small amount of pressure to cause discomfort in the tummy region.

o) Gentle Belly Rub:
When gas has collected in the stomach, a gentle belly rub could ease the pressure. Position your baby across your knees with their stomach in a downward position, and rub his or her back.

p) Hot Water Bottle:
Fill a hot water bottle with lukewarm water and wrap in a towel – place on the belly and let your baby lie on top of you. Do not make the water too hot for a baby. While it may be warm to you, a baby’s skin is much more sensitive.

q) Soothing Music:
Lullabies and gentle tunes can help calm a crying baby.

r) Bicycle Movement:
Place your baby on their back and hold their feet while gently moving their legs in a bicycle motion for several times a day. This can become a good way to relieve gas and other stomach concerns. A good time to follow this practice is when changing the diaper.

s) Heartbeat Method:
To soothe a child, try mimicking the sounds of the womb by patting your baby on the back in a regular rhythm or heartbeat pattern. This sound is a good way to make a fussy baby calmer.

t) Car Ride:
The movement, noise, and vibration of a car ride can be an effective remedy for colic.

u) Warm Bath:
To soothe the symptoms of colic, give your child a warm bath as a way to distract and relax. Some babies quiet right away when they are held in a shower – with the spray of water gently hitting their back.
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