Home Remedies for Diuretics

An excess of body fluids could be the reason why you experience a sluggish feeling from time to time. One of the ways you can flush out unwanted liquids is to use foods and other fluids that possess diuretic effects. Thanks to everyday items found in the kitchen, you can take advantage of many home remedies for diuretics.

salt with diuretic Home Remedies for Diuretics 

Home Remedies for Diuretics

What are Diuretics?
A diuretic is the term used to refer to any substance that assists the body in getting rid of excess body fluids and salts. The substances help the body form urine quicker, which flushes out the fluids that contribute to water retention, edema, and other medical concerns. Diuretics help treat or relieve the symptoms of other medical concerns, such as high blood pressure related to hypertension and heart problems. Some people also use diuretics to encourage weight loss.

Diuretics can also have a positive effect on the following conditions:
  • Diabetes
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Liver disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Glaucoma
  • Kidney disease
  • Urinary tract infection

Diuretics make your kidneys work overtime to get rid of sodium through your urine. Your body responds by trying to balance out the increased amount of sodium concentration. More water is added to the urine from the blood stream and the excess water in the urine is then expelled. Because of this, the fluid flowing in your blood vessels is decreased, which reduces the pressure on artery walls.

Diuretic Home Remedies
While grocery stores offer a range of over-the-counter products with diuretic effects, you may want to take advantage of options that are close at hand. To get you started, get acquainted with the following home remedies for diuretics:

a) Oats:
The silica found in oats produces a diuretic effect on the body.

b) Horseradish:
Known for increasing the flow of urine, horseradish is a diuretic that also increases perspiration on the body.

c) Green Tea:
With a history of healing powers that traces back to ancient China, green tea offers a natural diuretic effect.

d) Apple Cider Vinegar:
With the added benefit of maintaining potassium levels, apple cider vinegar also possesses natural diuretic properties.

e) Cranberry Juice:
Drink cranberry juice (not the kind with added sugars) to promote the removal of excess fluid retention.

f) Watermelon:
The high water content of watermelon encourages an increase of urination that helps flush out toxins and excess fluids.

g) Cucumber:
Cucumbers possess high water content. An added benefit to eating cucumbers is the rich levels of sulfur and silicon, which are known to stimulate the kidneys to remove uric acid from the body more efficiently.

h) Asparagus:
Eating asparagus provides the body with asparigine, which is a chemical alkaloid that enhances the performance of the kidneys. Because of this, expect improved results in the way waste is removed from the body.

i) Brussels Sprout:
By stimulating the kidneys and pancreas, Brussels sprouts aid in the cleansing of cells.

j) Beets:
As a natural diuretic, beets are beneficial because they attack the body fats and fatty deposits that contribute to water retention.

k) Carrots:
The carotene found in carrots has the ability to speed up the metabolic rate of the body, which efficiently removes fat deposits and waste.

l) Lettuce:
Increase your consumption of salads for a diuretic effect that assists your metabolism and flushes out toxins.

m) Tomatoes:
The vitamin C found in tomatoes promotes the release of water from the kidneys, which flushes out waste.

n) Parsley:
When eaten in small quantities, eat parsley to take advantage of a diuretic effect.

o) Caffeine:
Choose beverages that contain caffeine to lose excess water weight – especially coffee and cola soda.

p) Corn Silk:
When eaten, the long soft strands found at the tip of an ear of corn may increase your urine output.
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